Cortana is often compared to Apple's Siri, but Siri is currently only available on Apple's iOS devices and doesn't run on the Mac.
Image: Cliff Joseph/ZDNet Parallels even modifies the standard Mac interface to add a new window control button for your virtual machines.
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Top ZDNET Reviews Rev transcription editor for mac 8 0 Parallels' polished interface allows you to run Mac and Windows apps side by side on the Mac desktop.. And, when running Windows 10 in Coherence mode, the Windows Action Centre can be viewed as a panel that slides in from the right-hand side of the screen alongside the Mac's own Notifications panel. Ontario Drivers License Address Change Kiosk

One of the headline features in Windows 10 is Cortana, the 'personal assistant' that lets you use voice commands to find information on the web, send messages and perform a variety of other tasks.. 11 -- a k a But, of course, this year's update also follows the recent arrival of Windows 10, which means that Parallels Desktop 11 is a fairly major update that provides support for both of these new operating systems.. Unfortunately the help files provided by Parallels are less than comprehensive, and may leave newcomers struggling at first.. Image: Cliff Joseph/ZDNet The most impressive aspect of Parallels Desktop 11 is not simply that it allows you to run Windows as a virtual machine (VM) on the Mac (along with various versions of Unix, and even Android and ChromeOS too), but that it continues to integrate the Mac and Windows environments so that features from each operating system become almost interchangeable.. So, while I'm typing this review in Apple's Pages wordprocessor, I can say 'Hey Cortana - schedule a meeting'.. The Cortana window then pops up from the Dock on the Mac desktop and lists options for my meeting.. Alongside the existing buttons that close or minimise windows, there's a new button that instantly switches a VM into Coherence mode, hiding the Windows desktop so that Windows apps sit right on the Mac desktop.. Image: Cliff Joseph/ZDNet Other examples of this OS integration include the Mac's QuickLook option, which now works within Windows too, allowing you to preview documents stored on a Windows virtual machine just by hitting the space bar on your keyboard.. Developer tools Developers can test apps using multiple VMs that run different versions of Windows.. Parallels Desktop 11 therefore pulls off quite a trick by allowing Cortana to not only run within a Windows 10 virtual machine, but also to run with the VM hidden or running in the background while you work in native Mac apps. e828bfe731